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A humorous and insightful blog about greeting cards (including rude birthday cards and other silly ones).

Rusty Pencil
Jan 23, 20244 min read
Where to buy funny get well soon cards.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Judging by the number of people in the waiting room at my local medical centre I visited recently,...

Rusty Pencil
Oct 18, 20222 min read
Old sexist ads that could be funny cards. Or maybe not.
Would you love to make exquisite cheval mats in crochet? There’s a mag for that. Do you know how to plan a picnic with luncheon meat and...

Rusty Pencil
Aug 16, 20226 min read
Do we lose our sense of humour as we age?
Let's begin with a joke: A penguin walks into a pub. He says to the barman, 'Have you seen my brother?' The barman says, 'I don't know....

Rusty Pencil
Feb 15, 20224 min read
What do mothers want for Mother's Day? Not to be mother, for a start.
The kids are whining, the cat’s puked up a hairball on the carpet, there’s a sock in the bathroom sink, a lego brick in the teapot, and...

Rusty Pencil
Dec 10, 20213 min read
I have no idea what I'm doing. Do you?
So. Do you have any idea what you're doing? I certainly don't.

Rusty Pencil
Nov 10, 20214 min read
The origins of dad jokes, and why they'll always be, and should be, crap.
I admit it. I stole the line from someone else. From a chimp, to be precise. The original joke was: ‘Dad, do you know the piano’s on my...

Rusty Pencil
Oct 26, 20215 min read
Funny and rude Christmas cards online - not the usual crap ones.
We Brits don’t do things by halves when it comes to Christmas. When you suffer eleven and a half months of sheer drudgery and the...

Rusty Pencil
Sep 27, 20214 min read
What's the rule about using exclamation marks? (Er...don't.)
There’s a terrible disease going around at the moment. You’ve seen it in all the tabloids, websites and social media. Chances are it’s...

Rusty Pencil
Sep 10, 20213 min read
Funny birthday cards for Mums. Aye. They're rude more like. Not like them in olden days.
Yes, why are they so rude? Is it because we don't love them? Or is because we can't tell the truth?

Rusty Pencil
Aug 26, 20213 min read
What to write in a 60th birthday card. And other daft ideas you can find on the internet.
You could write something like ‘Happy 60th! Enjoy your day!’ (Must have exclamation marks.) Or ‘Have a great day!’ Or maybe something...

Rusty Pencil
Aug 12, 20213 min read
Awesome! Stop using this word.
If there’s one thing in the world that will make you look a fool, apart from proudly striding out of your home and onto the train to work...

Rusty Pencil
Jul 21, 20214 min read
Where do ideas come from?
Where do funny ideas come from? A view from a greeting card publisher of humorous cards of where ideas come from.

Rusty Pencil
May 18, 20213 min read
Father's Day cards 2021. Why bother?
Poor old Dads. While Mum and the kids take centre stage, Dad is faffing around in the background trying to do something useful like...
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